How Dr. Ditzell is an Adult ADHD Psychiatrist

What is Adult ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can look much different in adults than it does in children. Many times adults recognize their behavior or patterns as problematic, but attribute them to stress, a lack of sleep, or other things going on in their lives, when in fact they may very well be symptoms of Adult ADHD. There is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to ADHD, but the simple truth is that it is a real issue for many adults and can cause unnecessary problems if left untreated. Diagnosing Adult ADHD can be critical to happiness and success. Dr. Ditzell will work closely with you to properly diagnose and then find the treatment plan that will best benefit you.

There are many treatment options for Adult ADHD, the key is finding the right one for you. Dr. Ditzell will work with you to create a plan that fits with your life, be it medication management, therapy, working with an ADHD coach, or a combination of things. Because Adult ADHD can present in various forms, it is important to zone in on the prominent issues and individualize the treatment plan.

Symptoms of Adult ADHD can mimic those of childhood ADHD, but many common symptoms in adults differ from those in children. Common Adult ADHD symptoms include:


Frequently forgetting appointments and commitments or losing/misplacing things

Chronically late, life often seems chaotic

Difficulty starting and finishing projects, or procrastinating

Trouble concentrating and staying focused

Trouble remembering conversations or details due to poor listening skills

Extremely distractible

Zoning out without realizing it

Impulsive behavior

Poor self-control

Addictive tendencies

Frequently interrupting others or cutting off conversations

Emotional difficulties

Easily stressed out

Irritable or moody

Trouble staying motivated